Saturday, June 21, 2008

Soccer & Sunshine

Today, FLAWN participated in a Resource Fair hosted by the Youth Diversity Cup. The Calgary Police Service, Boys & Girls Club and military Cadets were also there. We were all treated to a tremendous lunch cooked up by Community Kitchen and enjoyed Capoeira and Bhangra dance demonstrations. Oh yeah, and there was tons of great soccer! As for us, we had loads of help from our pages and teen volunteers with activities for kids. The beanbag toss and bookmark crafts were both big hits! All around it was a great event and we couldn't have asked for better weather!

Anyone Matching that Description?

On a quiet evening, I turn back from the register and see these two huge brown eyes staring at me over the desk. I lean down and ask him, "Can I help you?" In this tiny little voice he says, "The man who tells you to be quiet told me to come ask you..." I was so entertained by his description of our security guard that I needed him to repeat his question!

Friday, June 13, 2008

School outreach and SRA

Outreach to schools and promotion of the upcoming SRA is already starting to pay off. Kids are coming in and putting books on hold from the presentations. They are anxious to register for the SRA. I've been getting lots of comments from kids coming in the library- "I know you" I have one more school to go to.

Wednesday night's happy customers

I just realized that I hadn't completed this entry.
We had some very happy lip-smacking customers on a Wednesday night a few weeks ago. Forest Lawn hosted the piza party for the families of Blessed Damien Elementary School participating in "It's a crime not to read" and there were some pizzas left at the end of the program. I walked around and offered pizza to everyone in the building. I did tell them that this was a very unusual circumstance. We even had 2 customers sign up for cards after eating pizza.

Friday, June 6, 2008

24 Hour Service

A grumpy customer at closing time asked when we would start 24 hours service!! Perhaps he wants to stay on the computer and blog all night. He claims we'd get lots of fees and it would be profitable for us to provide this service as there are people would appreciate and use the library all night long!!