Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Secret Library Room Part 1

Last summer when I was visiting my parents in Ontario, I was saddened to see a vacant lot where the Trenton Public Library once stood. The quaint, red-bricked octagon housed the first library collection I had ever known. They must've had a huge yardsale to get rid of all those books. The abandoned site was surely slated for some new development with its propitious nearness to the Trent River, Fraser Park, and of course the local Tim Horton's. And by local, I mean THAT block. Trenton must have the most Tim Horton's per capita nationwide. The site seemed small without the strange little building. There had obviously never been a basement. So the Librarians couldn't have lived in the basement, I suppose. They must have had their own residence like the nuns and priests. It appeared as though the building had been scooped off the lot by a back hoe or perhaps it was folded up and taken away as some lawn chair seeking a sunnier patch of grass. Only small debris offered clues to its demolition; broken pieces of its red brick littered the scant lot. What I remember most about that doughty structure was the secret room. STAY TUNED FOR MORE OF THE SECRET ROOM...what crazy suspense!

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